Friday, July 8, 2011

Taylorsville Night Show

I am planning on attending the Taylorsville night show on July 9th, however I won't be showing. The only doe I have at the present time has two babies on her and the buck is in a sever molt.
I am hoping to pick up another Buck and Doe, to get my rabbitry started back up. I have promised myself to keep it VERY small and manageable for me. I have a trio of buff- colored silkies that I would like to sell (asking $35.00 for the 2 hens and one rooster), if any one is interested. I have made the decision to stay with the Batham Cochin's. My email address is if anyone would like me to bring them to the show.
My new babies are a broken chestnut (with a full butterfly, just not sure if it will have the 10% color needed to show) and a chestnut....not sure of their sexes yet. They are the tiniest babies that I have ever had before. I am so excited to be starting back up with the bunnies and hopefully can start showing Bones again sometime later this year.
We've had alot of rain lately, here in the Valley and it is much needed. It has cooled things off quite abit and is helping the tomato plants grow!
Not much else to report for the time being...hope everyone is staying safe and having a good summer.