Saturday, August 27, 2011

Latest News

Sorry, I haven't posted on this blog in awhile... a lot has taken place over the last week or so.
I am now back at home in the valley, due to "needing" to come home and take care of some business. I have had some "problems" with the lady I am trying to purchase my house from as well as a neighbor. I thought that I was going to have to move and it troubled me because I am just now really getting settled in. I love being here in the valley, however I can say that there is a lot of drama in this small town. We only have 150 people that live here full time and everyone knows every one's business----people around here REALLY like to talk and if they don't have someone or something to talk about, they make things up. I stay to myself and mind my own business and half the time I don't leave my yard and I can still tell you what everyone else is doing! Word around here spreads like fire, even if you don't care to know about it....
Because of the things that I have been dealing with lately, I ended up in the hospital diagnosed with a "mild heart attack". The doctors say that I need to try and stay away from stress (yeah, like that is going to happen!) and to exercise more and eat a cardiac diet (that isn't going to happen either). The "mild heart attack" was stress related so I am trying to relax and not worry about things as much.
I am feeling somewhat better and at the moment things have settled down and I don't think I have to move. I have to take each day as it comes and pray that the Lord will show me the way.
In "Farm" news, we have 6 Batham Cochin chicks and hope to add another couple of laying hens soon....the price of eggs (as well as everything else) has gone up. I have also rehomed a couple of the dogs to help cut down on the dog feed bill....I miss them, however I was very selective about their new homes and feel like they were all placed in loving homes.
The bunnies are doing fine and I named the JW babies---broken black buck has been named BL" Tiki Man and the chestnut doe, is BL's Tips.
Hope to hear everyone is doing well....and maybe I will be able to attend the Greensboro show!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Still Around

Because of the job situation in my home town, I am currently in TopSail North Carolina at my sister's house (she lives right off the beach...really....when you walk off the deck you are standing in the sands of the ocean). We are working a temp. job for a company on the marine base to help them get some things wrapped up. Looking at being here for 6 to 8 weeks and then, headed home.

I am already homesick and have only been here a week! however I know that I have to do what I have to do, in order to be able to pay my bills, take care of my boys and feed the critters.

Mom is taking care of things on the homefront, as well as my oldest son and I get a daily report on how everything is going.

I am going to try and make the Greensboro show in September, but it depends on if I can make it home in time to prepare for everything.
My broken baby JW appears to be a buck and the chestnut appears to be a doe ( I have had the sex fairy come and change them on me before, so this is what I am going by in the mean time). McKie's Lilly will be returning home after she weans her kits and I am so happy!

Other than, that not much is going on.
Hope that everyone else is doing well and hope to see you all soon!!!!